Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy birthday Hannah!!

Tomorrow is Hannahs official birthday but we gave her gifts to her tonight. She got Wii Boogie SuperStar. It has singing and dancing and her face got this huge CHEESE when she opened it!! Its a pretty cool game and she went to playing it right away!! Her brothers even came out to check it out with their sister!!! Max loves to dance but he had pressing Lego things to go do!! Hubby got up there and boogied though, I was cracking up!! I had tears from laughing so hard!! My oldest son, Brodie, was their coach, and he was yelling "jump!, clap!, point up!, faster!, lasso!" and showing them what to do. He is the video game guru in the family. He got up there after hubby and Hannah were done. I was the picture taker, and I am still resting my voice, so I have to take it easy. ;) Here are the pics, they definitely show the movement!!!!

Good times!!! Hubby is singing now!!! I wont harm your ears with a video of that!!! :) Or will I??
Yes I will!!! Here you go!! Hubby Dot Com!!
And Brodie Dot Com!!
And Hannah Dot Com!!!
Max got in on the dancing action with hubby, in between his breakdancing off to the side!!
I want to get up there so bad (this game has some good music) but I know my voice will by gone again and thats no good for a subbing Steffi!!
Hope you enjoyed this and cracked up as much as I did!!!!


  1. Oh, that is so funny! Not only did I enjoy your hubby's moves (Did he know you were recording him?), but I loved watching Hannah cracking up in the background. Hannah is growing into a lovely young lady...she looks so tall! Happy Birthday, Hannah!

  2. They knew I was taking pics, but I secretly switched to video for the singing portion. They didnt know I would be putting them on DOT COM. Yes, Hannah is all legs, like I was at her age. They are playing the game again right now. Even Brodie likes it, if you can believe that!!! I will tell her you say happy birthday!!
