Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cuz Aimee made me do it!!! :)

(This blog post is dedicated to Aimee!!! She has been jonesin for a post from me, and although I didnt have anything to blog about, I thought and thought last night about something I could blog about. So here we go!!! The title is.....)


First of all, the pic I chose for this blog CRACKS ME UP!!! I wanted something to do with change, and my BFF Jill always puts things about butterflies when talking about change.....well I found this pic and it had the idea of change with a sense of humor, which is how I roll, so it was perfect!!

Ok, on we go. If you read my Facebook the past week, you know that I was struggling with a bit of change, or uncertainty, or just feeling LOST. You have to know me really really well to know why some things affect me the way they do, and Im NOT going to go into the deep deep abyss that is me, thats for YOU to figure out!! lol Good luck!! Anyway, I will give you a hint, one of the biggest things that drives me is helping people. I love to do it, and I almost HAVE to do it. Its who I am. Well, I have been doing something this whole year that has fulfilled that drive, and it was such a blessing. I never expected it to have the impact it does on me. Lately, that thing I have been doing has felt tampered with. It ticked me off. Then that led me to thinkin that, CRAP, maybe that wasnt what I was supposed to be doing. My degree is in Psych, and in my head, this was the reason for the tampering. So then I got on the "What am I supposed to be doing with my life?" train.........I was happy to get off that train after a day of wallowing and receiving support from friends who often feel in the same boat.

Heres what the end result was: First of all, I only wallowed for a day and then I got back on track. Second, I found out that what I was doing wasnt being tampered with in the way that I thought it was. Third, I decided that even if something was going on, I was NOT going to give it any power (because I cant control it, duh), and I was NOT going to let my self be upset by it for one day longer. It is what it is and Im just gonna be happy with that. Fourth, I decided that as long as Im doing something that makes me truly happy, and that also helps me to help others, then I am content. Fifth, I need to let my sense of pride about certain things go, because it is not a tool in making me the best me I can be.


Heres some more change thats been going on or will be going on soon. We had an Orientation night at the Middle School last week. My oldest son is already at the MS, and in a few months, my daughter will join him there. The change Im talking about is not her going to a different school, but more the girly, becoming a...........a.......................a..................woman.............and ALL THE DRAMA that entails. God, give me strength for THAT whole process!! lol Oh man, this is that kinda change that just seriously stresses me out. I know how I was as a teen, and I know my mother is just sitting off laughing cuz now its my turn. My daughter and I are starting to have a different kind of relationship though. And when she doesnt shoot daggers at me with her eyes, and when she actually discovers that ole Mom knows what shes talking about and only does things for her kids best interests.........she and I have a unique bond. But in the years to come...........ok I cant even think about this anymore, moving on.....


This may sound corny to some of you, but its just how I am. The one change thats going to be coming up that Im just not looking forward to is my Maxers moving on from Kindergarten with a teacher that I simply adore with a class I have gotten to know so well because I have been there week after week, to 1st grade, where it will all start over. New classmates, new room, friends he has made will be in different classes. It just makes me sad. He has someone who really understands him and lets him be him and has helped him to grow so much. Its hard to move on from that. Im not saying 1st grade wont be great too, Im just saying Im not ready for Kindergarten to be over.

Blah, now Im a teary eyed Momma. Im gonna go look at the funny pic I chose, laugh at it, and then continue on with what I was doing before I sat down to type........which was...........laundry.

Hope everyone enjoys this BEEautiful Sunday!!



  1. Mmmm...I just L-O-V-E you! I love all your changes, your cute, corny pictures and your great big heart!! I love the Max man too. Thanks for posting! :)

  2. Anything for you chica!! :) Thanks for kickin my slacker blog bootie into gear!! xoxo

  3. Thanx Aimee for making her do this, I was wondering when she was gonna post something. Not that I have much room to speak :) and I'm right ya know -- If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies. <3 you Bee
