Wednesday, December 31, 2008


A friend of mine blogged about her resolution for the upcoming year, and then asked her readers what their resolutions were. I was stumped, and had to think about this for a while, about myself for a while. Here is how I replied to her post:

"A resolution is a promise to change or do something different in the coming year."

I can honestly say that I dont think I have ever made a New Years resolution for myself. If something happens that makes me aware that I need to change something about myself, then I certainly do set a goal, make a promise to myself, to make the change. Maybe I need that "something" happening part to kick my butt into gear?? I dont know. I will make a resolution for myself this year though, and it will be one that doesnt require a "something" happening!! haha I found a loophole!!

My resolution will be to be the best mom, wife, friend, and person that I can be, in every situation, and with every person I encounter."


1 comment:

  1. Hey, I read the following blog post and thought it was very inspirational. I thought you might like it as well.
