Leo. He is 19 months old. He can say A,B,C,D,I,J,K. He knows almost all of his body parts and can point to them and say the name of them too. He knows a few colors. He knows a couple shapes. He can put his own shoes on, and his own pants. He knows up and down. He replies with MEAN, if I say OWWWW. lol He knows what an elephant, lion, cow, horse, chicken, cat, dog, penguin, snake, bear, fish is and... what sound they all make. He knows my routine of taking the dogs out. Heck, he knows pretty much all of my routines. If I say I'm doing something, he is in front of me already starting to do it. He can follow one-step directions, sometimes two-step. His fine and gross motor skills are amazing. He loves books!! He can do a somersault and has been able to for many months. He watches things and knows how to do them instantly. He is way too smart for me!!!!! What the heck............am I gonna do???? lmao
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