Thursday, September 26, 2013

My Angel Sisco

Do you ever look at something 500 times a day and yet you don't always SEE it?? I just had that happen tonight. I have my favorite picture of Sisco as the desktop wallpaper on my laptop. I am on my laptop off and on all day, every day. I look at my wallpaper every time I open my laptop. Tonight, I SAW it. I immediately started crying. It was his eyes that caught my attention. They were the kindest, gentlest eyes I have ever looked into. He always seemed to understand me and accept me. I had a friend send me a picture quote the other day that said, "That one horse that helped you realize who you really are." That was Sisco. I had dreamt of having a Palomino my whole life. I found him and he was perfect. He was all I ever wanted. I got to spend 3 years with him. He taught me so much about myself and about life and about horses. He had Impressive in his bloodlines, which has a disease known as HYPP running rampant through it. He was supposed to be ok though. His dad was negative. His mom was negative. He was supposed to be negative. I never had him tested because both parents were negative. Looking back, we saw the signs. We just always thought he was negative so we never worried about it too much. He never had anything major happen to him, a few twitches and tremors. The last day he was alive, it was strange. We thought he was colicing, but it was different than we had seen with Mac when he coliced. We gave him a Banamine shot and he was eating and acting ok. Our vet was out of town, so she couldn't come out to see him. By morning, he was gone. It was literally the worst day of my life. I am still not over it and I don't think I ever will be. He had a huge impact on me in a way that nobody else could. We had an unmistakable connection. I talk to him every day. He is watching over me and his brothers, Mac and Trader. I wish I could have had more time with him, but I can honestly say that I will cherish the time I had with him more than anything in this world. I wish that he could have spent more time with Mac, and gotten to know Trader. I love you so much, Sisco, and always, always, always will!!

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