Sunday, August 7, 2011


Well, as you know, I use a picture to go along with my blog of the moment. I think this picture pretty much sums it all up without writing anything.......but, I will anyway. ;)
We are expecting a baby in February!! :) This baby was planned, in case you were wondering. lol
We had an ultrasound last week and everything looks as it should for this date in the pregnancy. Baby is measuring a week ahead which is awesome. My tummy is also measuring a week ahead. I guess we are both just overachievers. ;)
I have a Midwife and three OBs that I am seeing and they are all very nice, caring, and compassionate, and although I will miss my former doctor so much, I feel this is a great trade off.
We will have a Level II ultrasound in a couple of months with a Perinatalogist. They will look at every single part of baby in great detail. We are hoping and praying that we get great news.
I know that yall were with me on last years journey, and I hope that you will still be by my side for this one. I love yall and I couldnt be strong without your support.
I am feeling different with this pregnancy, more like my first three. Ive been queasy, Ive thrown up, Ive been exhausted, Ive cried at the silliest things. That, along with the very good ultrasound we got last week, gives me a great deal of hope that this baby will be ok. :)

I guess thats all. :)

Til next time...


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